Meet C.J.
Her internet inaugeral.
She has a love/hate relationship with me. She still lives at her house of birth, Kamuts house, with two other siblings. I don't have a house yet, but I carry her around to get her used to me. I take her down to the ocean and she shakes like crazy as soon as she sees the waves. I dunk her in and wash her off and she wines a bit and looks at me like she hates me. Then all is forgiven when I give her a plate of tunafish. The next night I take her back to the ocean and sit on the rocks, but she's scared to death and runs off. I think she'll run back towards the bungalow but she goes the other way. I think she's gone forever, but sure enough the next day she's hanging out at her home like nothing ever happened. How did I ever live without a dog.
dogs rule. i love that you have one.
Welcome to the Serwalt family C.J. - You are adorable! Grandmom Serwalt
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