Saturday, June 3


My Tanna island "walkabout" was awesome but I don't have the computer time today to blog about the experience - so instead I'll leave this image, one of my parting shots of Tanna. This was after 3 small bottles of vodka and a couple shells of Kava. Matt and I, along with Jeff (the guy i'm replacing) and Kamut (my counterpart - more on that later) all enjoyed my iPod on the beach, drunk and happy from a wonderful week. As soon as the sun disappeared the large flying foxes (bats) came out and circled overhead making halloween looking moon shadows in the sand - creepy and beautiful at the same time - only in Vanuatu!!

MAIL UPDATE - wanted to let you know that I got mail today. I haven't read it yet, but like to let you know how long it takes for things to arrive. Today is 6/3/2006.

Rossell - mailed 5/10 - letter
Harney - mailed 5/9 - card
Serwalt - mailed 5-19 - large letter

I'll look at them when I get back to Lelepa - right now i'm in transit back from Tanna island - making a computer pit stop at the Peace Corps office in Vila. Next bus leaves in 30 minutes and I still need to stock up on snack food. If i miss the bus, then I miss the boat!

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